50 SKY SHADES - World aviation news


Date: 13 Feb 2016 15:53 (UTC)

MAKS-2013 (11th), held from 27 August to 1 September 2013

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Agent: Ideal Sports Network s.r.o.


Al Ain International Aerobatic Championship 2007

Svetlana Kapanina | Best Pilot of the Centuryhttp://www.kapanina.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/KapaninaSvetlana/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/svetlana_kapanina/agent: Ideal Sports Netwo...

FAI World Grand Prix 2007

Svetlana Kapanina | Best Pilot of the Centuryhttp://www.kapanina.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/KapaninaSvetlana/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/svetlana_kapanina/agent: Ideal Sports Netwo...

Airshow Rixheim Habsheim 2016 : l'événement aéronautique alsacien de l'année !

Les 10 et 11 septembre 2016, pour fêter ses 30 ans, aéro-club de Mulhouse organise sur l'aérodrome de Mulhouse-Habsheim, un grand meeting aérien : l’Airshow Rixheim-Habsheim. Se cô...

lease of SUKHOI

Friends!Will consider your proposals for the lease of SUKHOI for a possible participation in Airshow in Bulgaria (April, 16-17), at the European Championships in the Czech Republic (August, 20-27) and...

The outcome of the Championship of Russia in aerobatics

the First exercise (free know) - gold medal;the Second exercise (free unknow) - gold medal;Absolute champion of Russia (two exercises) women's Cup of a name of Galina Korchuganova team gold medal -...

New FAI European Aerobatic Champions

After a brilliant week of flying and a great competition MIKHAIL MAMISTOV and SVETLANA KAPANINA (Russian Walküre) are the new FAI European Aerobatic Champions.AirShop:Stripe. Limited edition. Russian...

25th FAI World Aerobatic Championships 2009

Svetlana Kapanina | Best Pilot of the Centuryhttp://www.kapanina.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/KapaninaSvetlana/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/svetlana_kapanina/agent: Ideal Sports Netwo...