50 SKY SHADES - World aviation news

Airport Sustainability Summit 2019

Event date:
Status: Archived
5 years ago
Duration: 3 days Place: Singapore, Singapore , Singapore Airport . Organiser: Equip Global Pte Ltd
Airport Sustainability Summit 2019

Don't Miss Asia's Leading Airport Sustainability Summit 2019!

Equip Global’s LeadingAirport Sustainability Summittaking place on 12 – 15 March 2019in Singapore will create a premier platform for airports and airport authorities globally to exchange insights and a rare opportunity to network with different participating airports on how to develop sustainability plans whilst helping airports achieve better bottom lines.

Additionally, the conference will feature case studies from leading airports in overcoming obstacles while trying to achieve a more sustainable airport, analyzing best practices and latest innovative technologies to resolve sustainability issues and to enhance resilience in airport operations be it environmentally, economically or socially.

For more information, please visit our websiteor email us at [email protected]now!
