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A new high-speed UAV, which does not require an airfield, will be presented at MAKS airshow

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A new high-speed UAV, which does not require an airfield, will be presented at MAKS airshow - Events / Festivals publisher
Tatjana Obrazcova
Source: Ruaviation

Kronshtadt Group to present a high-speed UAV designed for operation in the regions, which have no airfield infrastructure, at MAKS-2015 international airshow, RIA Novosti reports.

A new next-generation UAV, which does not need an airfield, will be showcased at MAKS-2015 international airshow held in Zhukovsky (Moscow Region) during a period from August 25th to August 30th, press-service of Kronshtadt Group reports.

This will be the first presentation of Fregat UAV ever. “The UAV is designed for carrying out missions in the area of aerial reconnaissance, cargo transportation and aviation works performed in regions having no airfield infrastructure,” the company added.

Kronshtadt Group comprises a number of Russia’s leading enterprises specializing in development and production of high-tech products for the Russian market. Kronshtadt Group was established following the restructuring of Transas’ business aimed at development of separate brands in different areas of activities: products and solutions for aircraft industry, defense products and solutions, as well as products related to security and professional training.

The major goal of the show is to showcase Russian hi-tech products and readiness of Russian companies to participate in joint projects with foreign partners. MAKS is held under the patronage of the President of Russian Federation.


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