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Etihad Airways celebrating Emirati Women in Aviation

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Etihad Airways celebrating Emirati Women in Aviation - Events / Festivals publisher
Tatjana Obrazcova

Etihad Airways is to celebrate Emirati Women in Aviation by holding a special panel tom mark the first Emirati Women's Day which was declared earlier this year by H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak to honour the role of women in the UAE.


Etihad Airways announced: “Panelists will be five ordinary Emirati women with extraordinary stories to tell. They will share their challenges and successes in the world of airlines and give insight into their diverse roles and experiences at Etihad Airways."


Date: Monday August 24, 2015

Time 10:00am -12:30pm (Lunch included)

Venue Etihad Airways Training Academy auditorium







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