Currently, 109 Xinzhou series aircrafts and 39 ARJ21 have been delivered, and the orders for C919 aircraft have reached 815. China's civil aviation industry has stepped into a stage of rapid development, which is accompanied by the innovation and application of materials. Since the 13th Five-Year Plan, China has put a lot emphasized on composite materials. It is predicted that by 2023, China’s aviation composite material market will reach 28.27 billion yua...
The 4th Annual Civil Helicopter Industry International Forum 2020 was held in Liyang City, Jiangsu Province on October 29, 2020. The forum is hosted by Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics; supported by Liyang Government, Helicopter Sub-committee of CSAA , Shanghai General Aviation Association; organized by China Helicopter Design and Research Institute, AVIC Changhe Aircraft Industry (Group) Corporation Ltd., LIYANG ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Z...
The 10th Annual China Aviation Industry International Forum - Shanghai, Tianmu Lake was successfully held in Liyang city from October 28th to 29th. Leading companies, experts and scholars in the aviation industry, such as COMAC and Airbus, gathered together to conduct exchanges and discussions on hot issues in the development of the aviation industry, clarifying the direction for the development of the aviation industry. Focusing on "Promoting The Future Development Of C...
4th Annual Civil Aircraft Operation Support Technology International Forum was successfully held in Chengdu from October 21 to 22. Focusing on "efficient, innovative and intelligent operation of civil aircraft", the forum invited more than 90 well-known enterprises in the industry, including OEM, MRO, parts and accessories maintenance, equipment and tools, aviation materials, supply chain management, and 15 airlines, with a total of more than 240 representatives.The forum was hosted by Civi...
According to the annual report of COMAC's civil aircraft market forecast, by 2035, China’s aircraft fleet will reach 8,684, and the market for civil aircraft will reach nearly 8 trillion yuan. The aero-engine industry chain is long and covers a wide range. It has a huge driving effect on the development of national economy, science and technology. It is a concentrated expression of a country's industrial foundation, technological level and comprehensive national strength. The "Gas...
【Organizing Committee】Hosted byMINHANG DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY OF SHANGHAISHANGHAI SOCIETY OF AERONAUTICSCivil Aircraft Materials Industry Development AllianceCOMAC Composite Materials CenterBAOWU SPECIAL METALLURGY CO., LTD.Supported byChinese Society of Aeronautics and AstronauticsCommercial Aircraft Corporation of China, LtdCo-organized byCOMAC Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research InstituteCOMAC ...
【Organizing Committee】Hosted byChinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Organized byChina Helicopter Design and Research InstituteAVIC Changhe Aircraft Industry (Group) Corporation Ltd. Co-organized byGalleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd.【Event Background]At present, China’s helicopter industry has established a relatively complete R&D, production, supporting, materials, formed the product pattern of “multi - type of an aorcraft, series development”. Helicopter market has be...
【Organizing Committee】Hosted byShanghai Society of AeronauticsCOMAC Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research InstituteCOMAC Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd.CHINA AERONAUTICAL RADIO ELECTRONICS RESEARCH INSTITUTE Supported byLiyang Municipal People’s GovernmentChinese Society of Aeronautical and AstronauticsCommercial Aircraft Corporation of China, LtdAECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co., Ltd. Organized byGalleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd.【Event Background】In the future, t...
【Organizing Committee】Hosted by:Aero Engine Cooperation of China Science and Technology Commission Advised by:Chinese Academy of Engineering Mechanical and Transportation Engineering DepartmentOrganized by:AECC SHENYANG INSTITUTE OF ENGINE RESEARCHShenyang Association for Science and TechnologyAECC Power Transmission Key LaboratoryLiaoning Key Laboratory of Aero Engine Impact DynamicsCo-organized by:Galleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd.AimsGas Turbine Engine Simulation Technolo...
【Organizing Committee】Hosted by:Civil Aircraft Operation Support Technology Sub-committee of CSAAShanghai Society of Aeronautics and AstronauticsChengdu Shuangliu District GovernmentOrganized by:Chengdu Shuangliu District Aviation Economic BureauChengdu AirlinesCOMAC Sichuan BranchCOMAC Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co., Ltd.Taikoo (Shandong) Aircraft Engineering Company LimitedGalleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd.Co-organized by:Aircrafts Maintenance and Engineering Corporation Guan...