This week, Australian on-demand streaming movie and tv series service Presto released the latest in a series of ads promoting their services using actress Naomi Watts (Mullholland Drive, King Kong) and a Gulfstream IV. In it the "Demand More" campaign, Watts is used to make fun of the more stereotypical sides of high maintenance actresses, and in this one, she insists that show business hasn't changed, her, declaring, "I'm just like you, but in a private jet!"In this ad, Watts asks her male flig...
Panasonic Avionics' software and applications bring together personalization, revenue generation, connectivity, and content in an open source technology environment that transform our in-flight entertainment and communications (IFEC) solutions into robust, scalable, high-performance business platforms that leverage best-in-class features and functions to deliver an amazing inflight passenger experience, and add value that positively and tangibly impacts the airline's key metrics. Entertain...
We all have different taste, choosing different cars and aircraft. For me Falcon 8X is all the best I can imagine. So I am happy to share latest updates from Dassault Falcon with everyone sharing my taste."Our fourth Falcon 8X has taken to the skies as the certification flight test campaign moves into high gear, in Istres, France. Our test pilots say it flies like a dream. OK, actually they say some very technical things, but when you distill it to it's essence, they are very fond of the way the...
You've bought it, you've got it.It doesn't matter what it is, from real estate to bling bling, the truth is that once you plunk down the cash for a luxury item, it belongs to you.Many people just don't want to do that anymore. There are loads of reasons why, from private jets to runway dresses, people are preferring to rent instead of buy. Here are just some of them:1. Styles change so quickly - designers are counting on that, after all, why else do the big designers have twice-yearly shows at t...
While Qatar Airways is proudly celebrating its 500K followers, let's focus on more reasonable reach. Which Instagram Strategy Soared Highest this Summer? At Branding pass we focused on this case study: a comparison between AF and LX.Result: size do not matter and Swiss is over performing in terms of quality of content on Air France. Click on this link and enjoy the reading. Feel free to share and comment!
I am sure many of you colleagues saw that link.. But I invite you to spend some more minutes and enjoy a really great job of a team who did thatThe History of Air Charter Service - "Our Journey"Film documenting the rise of Air Charter Service from one man in the basement of his house to one of the largest aircraft charter companies in the world.
WinAir is the most cost-efficient, easy-to-use, structurally integrated maintenance and inventory control software system in the aviation industry. WinAir is aviation maintenance and inventory software that incorporates sophisticated purchasing, inventory control, production, maintenance forecasting, cost accounting and invoicing processes. Additional modules such as bar coding, Reliability, Real Time Labor Management, etc. allow for growth and expansion to meet your needs.Pros: System follows a...
This week, Business Jet Traveler unveiled a survey of business jet travellers, to try and determine the future trends of flying private. And that future looks bright.The 1,000 respondents gave answers that are quite enlightening for the business jet industry and I thought we should look at some of them in detail.Why Fly Private?Good question! BJT asked the respondents to give three reasons why they fly private, and most selected "Save Time" as their #1 reason. Coming in second was "Ability to us...